my husband and I will get off a plane and arrive in Finland. We are both starting Fulbright scholarships there, where we will live and work from January 3 through May 20. It's an adventure on many fronts! We will be living in different cities--he'll be based in Helsinki and I'll be two hours away in Turku, on the southwest coast, so we'll be living apart for longer than we ever have in our 26 years of marriage. We each have our own projects; I'll be teaching a class about the U.S. women's movement and doing research on how oral history can be used to enrich the health humanities; Benjamin will be working in a local museum and teaching museum studies workshops. And, of course, we'll be learning all about this fascinating Nordic country--it's language, history, food, climate, and people. For now, we have a mountain of to-do lists to conquer! Stay tuned...
One month from today
Updated: Dec 16, 2018
Fantastic opportunity and delighted to share your experiences.
Love Marimeko musings, and, love following your travels :)